Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Boy oh boy, I sure didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this little blog! I thought I would post more than once a month or so, but I guess that's not going to happen. A few weeks ago Michael and I were called to be teachers in our ward's primary program. Yay, 6 year olds! So far we have started getting to church on time, re-learning primary songs, and bribing children with candy... we're gonna be great parents someday! haha.

I am actually pretty stoked about this calling because now I actually have a reason to make little crafts and whatnot. This past week our lesson was titled "My Heavenly Father Trusts Me To Follow His Plan" and I made a couple of handouts for the kiddos. The first is a bookmark with a poem that the manual provided by Anna Johnson. I made purple copies for the girls and green copies for the boys (It does matter which color you give to which though! One of my boys wanted a purple one, which created quite a scene when we read the poem aloud).

My Heavenly Father
Trusts me to
Choose the Right!

I am a child of royal birth
My Father is King of heaven and earth
My spirit was born in the courts on high
A child beloved, a princess am I.
-Anna Johnson-

My Heavenly Father
Trusts me to
Choose the Right!

I am a child of royal birth
My Father is King of heaven and earth
My spirit was born in the courts on high
A child beloved, a    prince am I.
-Anna Johnson-

The second hand out was a sticker I cut out with a 3.5 inch hole punch. It has the same green and purple CTR shields and says "My Heavenly Father Trusts Me To..." above it. I guess I should be computer savvy enough to upload a word document to my blog, but obviously I'm not, sorry guys!

Anywho, I'm loving this calling. Especially since I get to do it with my best friend! Hopefully I'll learn how to use a computer soon enough and have more primary projects for you soon enough!